In 1983 the Dallas Tae Kwon Do Center (DTC) was started by Master Ron Bell, the Dallas Tae Kwon Do Center (DTC) has grown to be one of the most well recognized schools in the Dallas Forth Worth Metroplex. At the DTC, students learn a wholistic form of of Tae Kwon Do, not just the sport of Tae Kwon Do. The importance of the five tenants: courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control and indomitable spirit are a few of the important fundamentals that are stressed.
Many DTC students take part in area competitions and those who do, usually excel in their age and belt division. While students are trained in techniques that may be helpful to them in competition, it is the technique that is emphasized rather than the competition. And it is the student’s efforts that are more important than the medal. Students who attend the DTC find a warm and supportive group of students and instructors.
Come watch one of our classes and see why so many people have decided that the Dallas Tae Kwon Do Center is right for them. Call to book your Women’s, Children’s or Senior Self-Denfense Seminar.